An iPod, a phone, an internet communication device; an iPod, a phone,... and we are calling it...
Chicago (September 27, 2022) - This might be one of the most iconic product reveals of all time; when Steve Jobs took the stage on January 9, 2007 to introduce the "revolutionary" iPhone. Early in the presentation he repeated the idea that this new device would be three products in one, "An iPod, a phone, and an internet communication device." And the funny thing is we know it to be so much more than that. It is also a camera and video recorder in every pocket and can access the entire social network for many of the younger among us. It tracks our health and our behavior, and it solves crimes. It has made war correspondents out of soldiers, and I don't think it's an exaggeration to say it has started revolutions.
"This is a day I have been looking forward to for 2 1/2 years," Steve Jobs starts, and I can feel his anticipation. I too have a surplusage of anticipation for what could become a key tool in our distinctly unique real estate market. It is already three products in one, but I won't go so far as to suggest it could start a revolution.
Introducing trulyESQ.com; a platform built specially for the Chicago attorney agent market with one place to order title with instant feedback, examine search documents and prepare your commitment, organize the entirety of your firm's transactions in a searchable, smart repository, and create and distribute your work product; all in one simple and easy to navigate screen. Now that I think of it, I hope it does start a revolution.